jeudi 20 janvier 2011

A-ha in Paris , le Zenith 12 Oct 2010

The only gig in France of the Ending on a High Note Farewell tour. My country , so of course I went there. We took the train from Amsterdam to Paris with Fatiha on Oct 11. And the concert was the next day.
We arrived quite early at the venue, le Zénith (9 am as usual lol)
There were 10 doors opening at the same time at this venue. So people who came later in the day had the opportunity to be on front row nevertheless (according to me not so fair, but that's the way it was). I managed anyway to get on 1st row, at my favourite place lol
This was a great concert, the crowd was fantastic and so was the band as usual.
There was a surprise during Manhattan Skyline, organized by the French forum : everybody was waving a white handkerchief. I saw on videos later after the show that it was really beautiful, but when I was at the concert, I didn't really paid attention to it lol as my attention was towards what was in front of me lol, that is to say THE band 

With Fabienne, the morning before the show

The morning, day of the show with Fabienne and Fatiha


Mesmerized lol during the concert.

Magne after the show

Magne after the show

In front of the Zenith, after the show

Seemingly Non stop July : great moment for me during this song. I will always remember. I had a wonderful smile from Morten on the solo/guitar part of the song. I smiled back at him and was in heaven lol

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